So, the missus and I are out of town this weekend for a friends wedding. As usual, neither of us can go anywhere without taking our laptops. We are gear heads.
So this trip, I decided to my laptop, my H2 audio recorder, an Aiptek Video Recorder, and my external hard drive which I use for audio and video recording workspace just in case inspiration hit me. Now, I really wish I hadn't.
Last night before going to I grabbed a glass of water and put it by my bedside as I usually do. With my allergies, I have a tendancy to wake up in the middle of the night dry-mouthed, so this has become a ritual for me.
The wife and turned in for the evening at 11:30.
At 2:37 this morning the alarm clock in our room goes off full blast right next to my head. I jumped up out of bed, dazed, and momentarily confused at why Chad Kroeger is yelling at me that he was tired of living like a blind man and sick of sight without a sense of feeling. Mommy make the bad noise stop.
Meanwhile, in the midst of my Olympic caliber suddenly awake flailing gymnastic routine and before rational thought could return, I knocked my glass of water off the nightstand and straight into my laptop bag soaking all of my gear.
Yeah, their were four letter words used. A lot of them.
I'll be drying out my gear for the next few days, at least until I can get home and crack open all the cases and check for moisture.
In the meanwhile, I'm left using this condesending iMac of Mary's. I really hope my gear is okay. I have WAY too much time invested in some of the stuff stored on these devices --in particular my music folders and my source code folders.