Friday, October 3, 2008

Extra Stupid. Extra-Terrestrials.

Casey here to recommend the latest and greatest in sci-fi. This hard-hitting piece of fantastic fiction is sure to test fans' loyalty to the genre.

Or maybe you will hate me for recommedning it. You decide.

By the way, am I the only person ever to actually buy my own copy on dvd?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dear Presenter at my conference

The word "heirarchy" is not pronounced "hi-arky", and the word "library" is not pronounced "ly-berry".

Since you use them both so much, I thought you might like to know.

Love, Jason

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dentists. Are they Satan's helpers?

Before we start off... let me say that I am not afraid of the dentist. I do not suffer from anxiety when I know I have to go. But it had been a LONG LONG time since the last time I went, mostly because I live by the motto "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Well, a couple weeks back, I had a filling that had been in my mouth probably since Junior High that fell out. So... now it was "broke", so I had to "fix it". I went to the dentist. Even though the missing filling wasn't causing me any pain... in fact, it felt fine, but since there was a very large hole in my tooth, I figured it couldn't be healthy to leave it that way.

So a little over a week ago, I went to the dentist the first time. They wanted to clean my teeth very well before fixing anything (since there wasn't any pain), so they cleaned my teeth and made a couple appointments to fix minor problems.

For the next week, for the first time probably in my life, and at the least, the first time in a couple of decades, I was having constant mouth pain. FROM A CLEANING!!!!

So yesterday I go back for my first "fixing" appointment. They filled the big hole. As I left, he told me "now, it might be sensative to cold for a little while, and that might cause some minor pain."

Let me translate that for you....

"HAHAHA, I have got you now. I have rendered your tooth where anything colder than 98.6 degrees entering your mouth will cause shooting pains to run wild through your entire body. And yes, young fool... that even means the very air you breathe in your airconditioned house will be your undoing!!!"

The first dentist?!?

Holy cow! How is it that these people have a license to do this kind of work? Why do we let them run rampart in our society?

I have another appointment on Thursday. Please pray for my soul.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome to the Ramada..

So, the missus and I are out of town this weekend for a friends wedding. As usual, neither of us can go anywhere without taking our laptops. We are gear heads.

So this trip, I decided to my laptop, my H2 audio recorder, an Aiptek Video Recorder, and my external hard drive which I use for audio and video recording workspace just in case inspiration hit me. Now, I really wish I hadn't.

Last night before going to I grabbed a glass of water and put it by my bedside as I usually do. With my allergies, I have a tendancy to wake up in the middle of the night dry-mouthed, so this has become a ritual for me.

The wife and turned in for the evening at 11:30.

At 2:37 this morning the alarm clock in our room goes off full blast right next to my head. I jumped up out of bed, dazed, and momentarily confused at why Chad Kroeger is yelling at me that he was tired of living like a blind man and sick of sight without a sense of feeling. Mommy make the bad noise stop.

Meanwhile, in the midst of my Olympic caliber suddenly awake flailing gymnastic routine and before rational thought could return, I knocked my glass of water off the nightstand and straight into my laptop bag soaking all of my gear.

Yeah, their were four letter words used. A lot of them.

I'll be drying out my gear for the next few days, at least until I can get home and crack open all the cases and check for moisture.

In the meanwhile, I'm left using this condesending iMac of Mary's. I really hope my gear is okay. I have WAY too much time invested in some of the stuff stored on these devices --in particular my music folders and my source code folders.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My discussion drought

If you are lucky enough to know me, you'd know that I always have plenty of things to say, and my list of brilliant opinions is not in any danger of running dry any time soon.

But yet when I try to come up with things I want to discuss on Discussers Of Things, I end up discussionless. It's like I don't have the ability to discuss any discussions on Discussers of Things with the other discussers that maintain this page, or with the discussing discussers that potentially read this page.

I've tried Googling my problem. It seems that there aren't any diseases or disorders with names anywhere near "discussionlessitis" or "Imagination Discussion Deficiency".

Discussionlessitis Germ (Artists interpretation)

Apparently doctors haven't discovered the exact causes yet, or something. I'm thinking about setting up a fund. Maybe even a benefit concert and comedy roast. Let me know if you're interested in attending.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You're doing it wrong...

It always amazes me how quickly people can go from "Hero to Zero". Take Attila the Hun, while not technically a "hero", Atilla and his army had brutally and descively conquered all of Asia by 450 AD. Everything from Mongolia to the edge of the Russian Empire was ravaged. Villages burned. Countrysides pillaged. So, what brought down this unstoppable force?

A nosebleed on his wedding night.

In 453 AD, Attila married a young girl named Ildico. Despite his reputation for ferocity on the battlefield, he tended to eat and drink lightly during large banquets. On his wedding night, however, he went to town, drinking himself into a stupor. It was in this stupor, that Attila was to be undone, as sometime during the night he suffered a nosebleed, and too drunk to notice he drowned in his own blood. He was found dead the next morning.

Believe it or not...

Apparently, the orginal creators of Greatest American Hero are turning the short lived series into a move.

I for one cannot wait. I loved this series as a kid, and was extremely disappointed it went away so quickly. Apparently, original cast members William Katt and Robert Culp wil be making more than just cameos, which is all good in my book. I had completely expected their roles to be "passing the torch" flyby roles.

Hopefully they have BIG roles in the film... although not so big that we actually see William in the suit again. Somehow I dont think even the hardcore fans want to see that.

Here's more info: