Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Internet Divide

Okay more of a serious topic of discussion: The Internet.

Devised as a way to communicate effectively over long distances the internet was set to bring the world together. To allow man to share in ideas and knowledge.

So, what the heck happened?

The internet has become the most depressing, rage, and hate filled place in the world. It's vitriol so think that it stains all who dare enter. Okay, that maybe theatrical, but it holds truth...

Most denizens of the net have no problem with tearing another human being to shreds, justifying their actions with unpalatable escuses like "It's only the net." or "It was just a joke." So, nevermind, the feelings of those that you routinely destroy, then? What's sad is that these people could never do this to someone face-to-face. They know it's wrong. But the dark shadows of the internet give power to the darkness in their souls, feeding them with hate, anger, jealousy.

Yoda would not be pleased.

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. Not only do these shadows cloud our hearts, they cloud our minds as well. On the Net, Data is mistaken for knowledge, and those born of the Net spit data out, mistaking it as substance, as fact, with little or no understanding of that which they spew. With no context, for information, how can you claim you understand anything? Working at a High School I see this everyday: Children copy data from websites, re-writing the data for a paper, never understanding the ideas and context behind that which they write. The Net has driven away the days where we lived on contexts and concepts. It's all about the numbers, not what they mean.

So, where did it go wrong?


Casey J Payne said...

Holy crap. That's all serious and stuff. When I'm able to crawl out of the pit of despair I'm in now I'll comment substantially.

James Blair said...

Heh. What can I say? I was in an irritable mood this morning.

Something about the begining of the work week that does it every time.